Affordable Digital Marketing

by | Dec 8, 2014 | Unassigned

Top tips from Universal Web Design

At Universal Web Design we believe in combining multiple marketing services to create an effective and comprehensive online strategy. By focusing on a single service you risk bypassing potential clients or customers who are more easily accessible through other channels. This is why spreading your marketing evenly across various platforms is more likely to lead to results.

The marketing services we include in this are Social Media, Email Marketing, Blog Content and SEO. Each is a directional tool, a helping hand in building your online presence and increasing traffic to your website. Your website is then a directional tool to sales, or a conversation with you personally to make that sale.

We view each service in the following ways:

  • Social Media is building an online presence that lets you interact with customers and tap into a market of millions, if your target audience stretches that far. With 95% of people checking their Facebook account each and every day, it is a medium that is difficult to ignore.
  • Blogs help both with Google Rankings, though providing regular, quality content, and also to engage with clients and supply them with valuable information about your business.
  • Email Marketing gives you direct access to the people who matter, giving a more personable and tailored service where needed. 91% of people will check their email each day, another statistic difficult to ignore.
  • Lastly SEO packages are what can make a real difference to your Google ranking, by gathering appropriate keywords and data in on order to target you audience more effectively.

When you take into account that 66% of people have been persuaded to make a purchase after an email message and another 52% found clients on Facebook last year you begin to see a picture emerge. Add to that that 77% of internet users read blogs and 75% of users never scroll past the first page of a search, it is obvious that combining all four mediums is crucial to business.

We work with over 130 companies throughout the UK, listening to the various prices quoted to our clients in astonishment. One customer we recently took on let us know that a similar marketing agency to ourselves was charging a hefty £3000 per month to deliver the same SEO solution that we offer as a Gold option for just £330 per month.

We understand that although statistics show that marketing budgets have risen by 20% in 2014 you needn’t be spending the earth to get the quality you need. For as little as £347.50 per month with Universal Web Design you can receive all the necessary marketing exposure we mention above, based on bronze packages for Social Media, Blog and SEO with a Platinum Email Marketing solution. The perfect way to see in 2015 is with a comprehensive marketing strategy across all platforms, even better when at such a competitive price.

The last year saw a 28% increase in outsourced marketing, a figure that will only rise in the coming months. We are confident that with our competitive pricing and great quality of service we will be the go-to company for businesses looking to expand and grow through digital marketing. Should you need any help or guidance then please get in touch.

RICE Charity

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