Are You Utilising SMS Marketing?

by | Apr 7, 2020 | Unassigned

Did you know an estimated 80% of people have a smartphone?

And will check it up to 70 times a day? 

The point here is that a vast number of people will keep their phone handy at all times. Whether it’s for work reasons, to check social media or to keep in touch with others. 

It’s no secret that we’ve become dependent on our phones. However, this is why SMS marketing could be the perfect channel for you to test a new marketing strategy. 

One advantage SMS has over emails is that an email can sit unread in an inbox for days! But a text message is almost always likely to be opened immediately after it is sent. 

But like all other forms of marketing, it is unethical and illegal to send unsolicited text messages. So you need to make sure that you have a written opt-in option.  

With SMS marketing, the opt-in option for customers is very straight forward. You will get two options which you can reply back to the text message with, usually, a simple Y or N will suffice. 

This then lets a company know whether you have given your permission for them to store your data and send you texts. If after a while you decide you no longer wish to receive these texts then it’s easy to opt-out. 

An example of a great SMS campaign is where a restaurant sent a link to an online game they have, informing customers by playing the game you get an item of free food. Then the option to opt-out was given. 

SMS campaigns work well if your company is in a position to offer free giveaways, discounts, and other exciting offers. 

If you think SMS marketing could benefit your business, then enquire with Universal Web Design today! Our team of experts can discuss with you your expectations and desires, and work with you to widen your audience and increase ROI. 

To book a meeting, or for more information call us today on 01206 588000. Alternatively, you can email 

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