Do You Use Video?

by | Nov 11, 2019 | Video Production

Should I Be Using Video To Market My Business?

Often, most business owners will overlook the use of video on their website as they don’t realise the potential it holds. Having a video on your landing page can highly improve conversions and lead to more direct sales. 

Usually, there is less pressure around videos for them to be perfect. It doesn’t matter as much if the editing isn’t overly amazing. But as long as it’s engaging and people understand what your product or service is then that is half the job done. 

Google loves videos, and you should too. It is easy to increase the time spent by visitors on the site, if they are watching a video then they have already spent longer on your site than if you weren’t to have a video. You are also more likely to turn up in search engine results if you have a video embedded onto your site.

As the amount of mobile users continues to rise, your company should be thinking ahead at how to target these users in particular. Video and mobile go hand in hand, meaning that if you know your site is getting more mobile views you should optimise it and make sure you have videos. 

Universal Web Design

Here at Universal Web Design, we provide a structured and creative video production service. We have a lot of experience when it comes to video production and strategy, our skillset is perfectly suited to the creation and distribution of high-quality video content.

We ensure seamless integration, whether that may be on a website, a video content platform, or elsewhere. We will create a search engine friendly video and or player, this will make sure that your video attracts genuine, and natural search traffic!

Get in touch today to find out more about how we can help you. Call 01206 588 000 or email

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