Email Marketing in 2015

by | Dec 15, 2014 | Unassigned

Digital Marketing drives success. By regularly interacting with clients through digital platforms you increase your chances of achieving a desired goal. Websites are without a doubt the best way of showcasing your business and a base from which to build your brand, but it is the way that Digital Marketing directs and drives consumers to your chosen base that makes the difference.

At Universal we design and develop amazing websites, presenting our clients in their most positive light and providing informative and engaging content to complement our designs. Our websites provide a variety of services, with clients choosing either to sell through their site or encourage potential customers to get in contact directly with an enquiry. Our websites are a crucial tool but without effective Digital Marketing they would go to waste.

Email Marketing is a way of influencing the traffic that is driven to your website, giving you a platform from which to build on promising leads and a way of developing relationships with the subscribers you send messages to. You are able to target specific groups within your target audience, offering a personal touch where necessary to cater to the various demographics you deal with.

Ultimately it is a way of sharing and developing your brand identity, as well as increasing your overall online exposure. People want to feel that they are valued by their suppliers, whatever service they provide, so by keeping them updated with your personal achievements, upcoming events, latest ranges or special offers, it keeps you fresh in their mind and ready when the time is right to buy.

We believe in turning leads into customers,

which is why Lead Nurturing is incredibly important when considering Email Marketing too. You are given direct access to people who could hugely benefit your business, so we make sure you are patient and careful in your approach, offering more information than a sales pitch. Email Marketing when performed correctly can provide both a time and cost effective strategy to your Digital Marketing, thanks to the direct interaction you have.

All of the emails we develop can be personalised and have engaging, expertly crafted content from our dedicated in-house team. The emails themselves can then be tracked through our reporting system, allowing us to measure and record how successful the campaign is so that tweaks and alterations can be made to maximise the impact of future emails.

Depending on your company size and the frequency with which you aim to send out messages we offer a range of packages, from our bi-annual Bronze to the bi-weekly Platinum Plus. Whatever your requirements we are confident in our ability to meet them so get in touch today to see how Email Marketing can create customers out of leads for your business.

RICE Charity

This month we have had the honour to work with Adam Mohamed, a 10 year old boy and founder of the...

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