You should always make multiple considerations when planning a website build. Accomplished web designers know what is required to create a masterful website. I will share the essential principles of quality web design.
It’s paramount that you keep your website simple to use. People want to quickly and easily find the information they were looking for, so don’t create over complicated processes and functions that will frustrate the end user.
The main navigation of your website needs to be very simple to use. Unfortunately many websites are designed without the user in mind.
Some websites use underlines in their content to emphasis a point, however this is a simple mistake made by many. Avoid the use of underlined text at all costs. The only time that underlines should be used is when creating anchor text to link to another web page. Incorporating too many underlines will make your web page look very scruffy.
Avoid un-clickable elements
Don’t use graphic elements that look clickable, users will try to click and waste time trying to use the graphical element. Any element that is 3D could be considered as a clickable object.
Click Home
Make sure that your website design incorporates the simplicity of a home button. A home button should be accessible throughout your website. Using a fixed menu on all pages will make it easy for users to navigate round your site. A breadcrumb is also a great way to increase accessibility.
Link Your Logo Home
There will be a large proportion of users that will click the logo with an expectation to land on your home page. Make certain that this is the case with your logo.
Quick Read
Internet users visit abundance of web pages, to reduce time wastage most users tend to skim read through content to verify whether the page is worth reading before scowling through the content. Clear headings and neatly displayed content helps users achieve this. In turn more users will stay on your site to read on.
The Top Half
Deliver the most important content in the top half of your web pages. Users will scan the top half of a page before scrolling down.
Make it easy for users to get their way around your site, A menu on all pages is typically sufficient, breadcrumbs, footer links and a search functions are all additional navigation options that would benefit users.
Avoid minute text sizes and unusual font styles. Whilst a fancy font can look good, you should avoid this pitfall at all costs. Users find it difficult to read unusual font styles. Unique fonts tend to only work well if your website contains very little text based content.
Line Spacing
Space between segments of content can have a size-able impact on the users experience. Pages stuffed full of content can appear overwhelming for users and they may leave to avoid an un-inviting task. Headings and graphics are an alternative option to reduce white space within your page.
Limited Fonts
Avoid overindulging in different font faces. It’s typically best to stick to one font throughout your site. It works best if your font face is consistent to all other marketing materials. Overloading your site with font faces makes it confusing for users.
Justified Content
It’s always best to avoid justified paragraphs. Dyslexic and general users can find it challenging to read through your content. For best results align your content to the left. This always looks professional and it makes your content easy to read.
Site Search
A site search option can help users find specific content within your site. Site search is very useful for large websites with lots of content. Smaller sites tend to not need a site search function.
Site Maps
Regardless of whether your site is large or small you should have a site map. This not only benefits the user if they wish to find a specific page, but a site map is also beneficial for SEO purposes. Site maps make it easy for search engines to crawl and navigate around your site.
In the modern world of design less can be so much more. This philosophy needs to be continued within your website design. Making it simple for users pays dividends. The simplest websites are actually the most successful i.e Google.