The Importance of Blogging

by | Jul 24, 2014 | Unassigned

Blogging as a marketing tool is becoming more and more important for businesses looking to leave an impression on potential clients. The first step for any aspiring business looking to be found online will always be to start with a quality website and expert branding to help it standout. On here you will be able to present details about your product or service and encourage potential clients to get in touch. The blog, though, offers you something far more intricate and inclusive.

With a blog you are able to create a personal, approachable image for your customers. One that offers them advice, gives them vital information and keeps them updated on your businesses achievements and progress. You invite them into your company by doing this, giving them an insight into how you feel and what you represent. People in general are becoming more and more disinterested with faceless corporations and instead are eager to talk and work with more friendly, personable brands that speak to them directly.

What you are giving is an interactive presence.

If the customer in question is unable to visit your store, or your service requires online participation, then this is the best way of presenting information in a structured way that engages and not bombards readers. This behind the scenes look is given a number of different titles; blog of course, article, news or even diary. This last approach is a very interesting take on the genre; opening you up and sharing hints and tips that others would swear to secrecy could be seen as a great way of turning interest in your favour.

Another reason that blogging can be so useful is its ability to raise your status. By writing regularly on your chosen subject or industry, you are able to be seen as an authority and the go-to brand for what you do. Provided the content is interesting as well as informative, you will have people coming back again and again, upping your chances of success in making a sale.

You will have heard a lot about Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) when talking about an online presence. Google loves blogs. The idea of regularly updated content that adds VALUE to the search engine is one that they have recently embraced, and those that do it accurately will be highly rewarded with a rise up the Google rankings.

At Universal Web Design we offer a range of blog packages to suit any need, whether it be one a month to one a day. We will happily advise you on best practice and will learn everything about you and the business we are trying to promote. This way we are able to offer you quality at a competitive price that gives you a fantastic chance of turning casual interest into regular sales.

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