Importance Of Checking For A Secure Site

by | Aug 15, 2019 | Unassigned

Checking A Site

There is nothing worse than finding out you have been Phished in a scam, through a website you originally thought was legitimate. It is so important to be careful when giving out personal information online, you should always check if the site is secure before entering any information.

Too many people unfortunately get caught out by scams and it can have devastating effects. With your personal details, a scammer can steal your identity and empty your bank account, leaving you with nothing! If you are unsure about the legitimacy of a website, then you are probably right.

Secured Website

Here are some ways you can check if a site is secure:

Before giving any information to a website, check the URL. If it begins with “https” instead of “http” then it means it is secured using a security certificate – the s stands for secure. All sites that have a security certificate must go through a validation process to prove their legitimacy. Some checks are more straightforward than others, but as long as there is a security certificate in place then the site is secure.

Another good thing to do is look at the domain name. Some cyber attackers will create websites that mimic existing website in order to trick people into purchasing something. They usually look exactly like the existing website. The only difference between the real and fake site is the domain name. The fake one will look very similar but there will be a grammatical change somewhere. Example – swapping an o for a 0.

Always be aware of where you give your personal information out to. If you are a business without a security certificate, then you might want to think about obtaining one. You will be deemed a trusted site once the security certificate is set up, then you won’t have to worry about people doubting your company. 

Make sure you keep your website safe by getting a security certificate. Universal Web Design can provide your business one. To find out more about how we can help you then call us now on 01206 588 000 or you can drop us a message via our website. We also offer a whole range of other services to make sure you take a look at our website to see how else we can help you.

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