Nexus Networking

the best SEO Colchester can offer
Search Optimisation
Nexus Networking Groups are one of the most popular networking organisations within the East of Anglia. Off the back of our fantastic relationship with them, they came to us in search of a new-look, bespoke company website as well as our range of marketing services the groups benefit from.

The average Nexus member generates a massive £27,000 of new business, with many of their members having said that on average 40% of their yearly income is down to their respective group alone!

Nexus’ primary focus is on their members and attracting new ones to benefit from networking. Thus, their website built by UWD is the perfect platform to find out all about Nexus and what the groups have to offer. In conjunction, our marketing services keep existing members updated as well as attracting new members through the door.

Through Email Marketing, Blogging and Social Media, UWD are able to manage and keep on top of the smooth running of each networking groups news and updates, such as open days and important member events to enjoy.

We look forward to continuing this fantastic relationship further and ensuring the board of Directors are frequently contacted and kept up to date, as UWD focus on increasing the organisations online presence for now and into the future.

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