Email Marketing Services
Email marketing services are tried and tested method of provider-client-communication. It is quick, it’s hassle free and convenient. It is also an extremely cost effective way to advertise to your existing customers; email marketing allows you to attract new ones as well!
If done correctly, an email marketing campaign can exhibit the finesse of a slick salesman, without the intrusiveness inherent in a cold call. At Universal Web Design, we know what sells. We know how to create an email marketing campaign that will generate business interest, and we can do it 1-2-3-4-even 6 times per month, the choice is yours!
Email marketing is, by design, a perfect fit for ANY business. Honestly, there isn’t a business or a field of industry out there that wouldn’t benefit from one of our campaigns.
As of right now we are creating and distributing material from every sort of company you can think of. Fashion outlets? We’re doing it. Gas companies? You bet. Insurance? Oui. Estate agents? Yes. The list is endless!
Email marketing is a subtle instrument, and when wielded correctly, it can have a whole host of fantastic effects. We believe that it truly is the missing piece of the digital marketing puzzle, one that is too often ignored!
We tailor make each campaign, from the ground up. We often take instruction from our clients as to what we are to include each month, which we of course do though, mostly we are left to our own devices, and we’ve not had a bad review yet!
We always make sure communication is high. We draft, send, re-calibrate (if required), resend – you get the idea, the point is, we never send a campaign out that our customers aren’t 100% satisfied with. Our content is always unique.
We know there’s nothing worse than repetition, our team of content writes are dedicated and experienced, contact us, let us show what we can do!