Social Media Is Now The Key To Growth

by | Jan 9, 2015 | Unassigned

Marketing through Social Media has never been more important than it is today. We live in world where most people have some form of online presence and this can be highly beneficial for a business. You need only look at the online movements spurred on by hashtags such as “#PrayForGaza” and “#JeSuisCharlie”, or the popular ‘ALS Ice Bucket Challenge’ on Facebook, to see how far it reaches.

It would be foolish not to utilise this to its full extent

and Universal Web Design offers packages for your business to have a truly online presence. One that is tailored to your needs and overseen by one of our Content Marketing Managers – with prices ranging from £75pcm (Bronze) to £250pcm (Platinum Plus). Our marketing experts will run your social media accounts, creating a bespoke online platform to cater for your business’ specific needs.

As well as this, we understand that reaching your customers online means more than just having a Twitter or Facebook account. That’s why we provide all our clients with the opportunity to purchase further online packages, such as E-Mail and Blog Management, all of which are run by the same marketing expert who handles your social media. This means you can get a unified message to your customers, build your reputation and increase your brand awareness, digitally and through word of mouth, all in one big package.

For further information and prices, have a look at our online store, and take the hassle of social media management out of your hands and entrust it to Universal Web Design. Then sit back, and watch your small business grow.

RICE Charity

This month we have had the honour to work with Adam Mohamed, a 10 year old boy and founder of the...

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