Essential Social Media Presence – The New Word Of Mouth

by | Jan 22, 2018 | Unassigned

Now the world is getting older, there’s a few things to be said about your Social Media presence. Do you believe the things people tell you, do you believe the things you’ve read online? Because there’s a rumour on the corner that Social Media is in fact an essential piece of word of mouth marketing – and they’d be right!

While many prefer to communicate the old fashioned way through face-to-face or telephone interaction, people have always talked about their experiences, emotions, needs and also products, services and brands.

However, with the arrival of Social Media the patterns, role and impact of word-of-mouth have evolved and new forms of online communities have shaped into a successful promotional strategy.

You can bet your bottom dollar that your competitors are reaping the benefits of it already across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and many more, so if you choose to ignore it then you’ll only be toeing the party line.

From the west side to the east side,

from the north side to the south –

t’s time to believe what impact the influence of Social Media can have on your business and/or service online – wherever and whenever!

In the social media age word-of-mouth can travel fast, very fast. The scale, speed and real-time nature of the social Web and the increased possibilities for people to share and express themselves play a crucial role in this.

So with this in mind, it’s worth looking out for for those who still want to hang on, look out for those who live in the past – get out and listen to the whisper of customers triggering into your promotions and ultimately your business! Because the times are changing fast and you’ll be right at the very start of something quite beautiful!

If you would like to find out more information about your Social Media marketing, you can speak with our Social Media Manager, Georgia Cocks, who is more than happy to bring your business up and running in the 2018 digital age and give you the presence your business deserves – contact her on 01206 588000 today or email us via

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