The Dark Arts Of SEO, Brought Into The Light

by | Mar 17, 2017 | Unassigned

If you don’t know what SEO is, you are far from alone! The world of Google is light years away from being understood by just us mortals, but if you want to know the one, the most important thing about Search Engine Optimisation, without finding yourself mumbling on the floor in complete confusion – it’s brilliant.


Where you appear in Google search rankings will be how SEO and content fresh you are. If you have the barebones of a website and a rather popular industry or company name, you may find yourself completely invisible to your clients. Even if they type in your exact website address, you may not be top of the list with other companies paying ad’s or have SEO like a Jedi – A few Keywords here and there and you’re exactly where you want to be.


I’m telling you ‘the force is strong’ with the right SEO


It may well be like magic the way Google take your website and rate it – helping you soar above all or penalising you and you watch as you drop from page to page, out of view. How many pages of Search Engine Optimisation results do you browse before deciding to click – not more than two.


Universal Web Design have SEO wizards, well trained and versed in this fantastic tool to give your business the boost, not that it needs, that it expects. If your company is struggling in the world where the most popular is not the most efficient, but the right keywords, giving your business the range of top SEO titles for your industry, you’ll have the rank and then you’ll have the traffic.


Rise up in Google ranking with SEO – We can write content and pages for your website that will give you the power you need to fight the tide and pull you out into the light.


Call UWD on 01206 588000 or email us at to find out what we can do to help you become one with Google and top the page.

RICE Charity

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