The Impact of Social Sales

by | Jul 17, 2015 | Unassigned

How do you fit your business message into 140 characters?

It’s difficult – some say it’s an art. But it’s a crucial new way of reaching customers and attracting sales to your service.

Of course, it doesn’t have to all be crammed into a tweet – there are many other successful social media platforms, like Facebook, which allows you to create much larger posts to promote your business, as well as enabling you to set up a business page on their platform. LinkedIn is a different story. It allows you to grow and connect your business, but it’s is not to bring in new clients. No, the aim of using this platform is to connect with other businesses, or see how your competitors are doing.

The aforementioned social media sites – Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn – aren’t the only platforms out there, but are certainly the most notable. Social media has the power to drive your business’ sales upwards and expand the reach of your services. A Forbes study found that, in business, 78.6 per cent of salespeople who utilised social media were able to outsell their competitors, and were 23 per cent more successful at surpassing their sales quotas than their non-social-media peers.

These numbers are huge, and represent clear evidence of the power of social media. It can drive customers – both potential and loyal ones – to your website, your services and your products, as well spreading your message and brand across the web.

The problem is, as a business-owner, this can take time and energy that would otherwise be put into managing your business, meaning many SMEs aren’t able to develop an attractive online image. Universal Web Design are a digital agency who specialise in social media management – handling all of your online profiles on your behalf. Our marketing managers first get to grips you and your business, so that we can be an effective mouthpiece for your services. Then they maintain and update all social media accounts for as long as you like, developing your reach and brand as they go.

If you’d like to read more about the social media packages we have on offer, click here.

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