UWD Recruitment Drive

by | Jun 11, 2020 | Unassigned

Companies naturally demand only the very best staff to join their businesses, they want the cream of the crop, those from the top of the tree, those only from the top drawer. And Marketing and Communications, with all its variations in clients and business sectors provided for is no exception.

Business needs evolve and before you know it, your staffing requirements need to evolve as well. Gone are the days you needed seats to be sat on, the juniors, the first jobbers, now you need only the best in the business, those who will bring positivity and professionalism to the table.

You push the ‘publish’ button on the online job search engine and inwardly cringe, aware that your list of newbee requirements may be a little too harsh, but it was, until recently a tried and tested formula for a decent hit ratio – But you tired of the CV scanning, the mental amendments of grammar or punctuation and raised eyebrows at whether ‘copy writing’ should actually be a skill on this particular resume.

Universal Web Design are industry-leading specialists in the field of all things marketing and communications. At UWD we understand that not all business owners have the spare time available to put into their marketing strategy against what they need out of it, no matter the business size or budget.

And this is where our dedicated team of experts step in and take the burden from our vast portfolio of clients.

We are currently recruiting for a plethora of team players to step in, step up and get busy. We don’t hire the work-shy or the tardy, we want dedication from tried and tested professionals in their fields, be that web design, SEO, social media, email marketing or content and copy writing experts.

We’re looking for confident team players who are exceptional, or heading firmly in that direction with a little assistance and training from some of the fabulous staff we already have on board.

We want exceptional time keeping, those capable of keeping their feet off the desk and their eye on the ball. We need professionals who want to grow with the business as it expands, staff members who don’t lurk by the kettle, or watch the clock – Our clients hours vary, and therefore so do ours, though we are usually 0800 to 1800 Monday to Friday.

We’re a friendly bunch, we work hard and reap the benefits of using some of the best technology and equipment available within the industry, excellent salaries and easy on-site parking are just a couple of the benefits. As well as this we have bonus schemes, incentives and on occasion escape early on a Friday.

Our MD, though inordinately busy, has an understanding that although you have a job to do, it’s not a chicken battery, it’s an ever evolving, fast paced creative bubble that delivers excellence to hundreds of UK and International clients, so to join our team of knowledgeable, professional experts at Universal Web Design, who offer our clients their best-selves, day in, day out, please email HR@universalwebdesign.co.uk with your CV and career expectations – We look forward to working with you soon.

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