Having a large website can be a good strategy when it comes to marketing. Well maintained websites with quality content, great user experience and deliver great implementation of SEO are a great necessity when it comes to marketing. In this blog we will be covering how having a large website is crucial to the success of a business, and how it can be a great marketing strategy to use to gain advantage over competitors.
Improved Search Engine Visibility:
Having a larger website often means that the website contains over 50 pages worth of content. When this is the case, it can help the website’s SEO by having a larger number of pages to optimise. This then increases the companys’ chances of their website appearing higher in search results, for a large range of different content. Therefore when potential customers search keywords, they have a higher chance of visiting your website over competitors. This is much more effective in comparison to smaller websites, since there are more keywords and pages that customers can search for, making it much easier to find larger websites instead of smaller websites.
In Depth Content:
With larger websites, there is an opportunity for there to be more in depth and informative content for visitors. Companies can then cater this content to suit potential customers throughout their visit, by providing educational content, product information, images and customer support resources. By having this in depth content, potential customers are more likely to stay on the website for longer, which can result in more sales and positive feedback.
Credibility and Positive Brand Presence:
Well written content and informative websites help to establish your brand in a positive way. By adding in images and feedback from previous customers, it can help to prove your brand as a legitimate and authoritative source. This helps to build trust with other potential clients visiting the website, as they easily find everything that they need to know about the company and the service in one place.
Cost Effective:
Larger websites can be much more cost effective in comparison to smaller websites in the long run. This is due to the fact that certain website expenses are a fixed price, such as server maintenance and security software. These costs are divided among a larger user case with a bigger site, making the overall cost per user much lower compared to small sites.
Creating high-quality content is a necessity for all websites, however with larger websites this can be used to an advantage. Larger websites can reuse content across different sections, reducing the need to constantly create new content entirely, this can save both time and money for companies. Overall having a larger website is much more efficient in terms of saving time and money, making it a great marketing strategy that many companies can implement.
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