Why Link Building is Important

by | Mar 5, 2024 | Unassigned

Link building is a crucial strategy within SEO marketing, that uses and grabs hyperlinks from other websites and then uses them for your own website. The higher quality of the hyperlinks, the higher that your website is likely to rank in search results. In this blog we will be covering why link building is important, the benefits and how internal links help with link building.


Increased traffic: Using link building as a highly important marketing technique can help to increase higher traffic for your website, as having a higher search ranking leads to more people finding the website. This is as it is easier to market your content and products to potential customers due to SEO keywords, as well as applying high quality hyperlinks to the site.

Enhanced Brand Awareness: Links from relevant websites can help to increase your brand’s visibility to customers and other business owners, allowing you to develop higher authority within your field. If a potential customer were to click on a link of yours from other websites, it means that they are already interested in the content and products that you are selling, making it a higher chance that they will convert into customers. link-building

Improved User Experience:

Menus: By using internal links that connect one page to another on the same website, it can help to guide users and search engines to navigate your content within the website. Navigation menus are an example of internal links, which help to direct users to the type of content or information that they want from the website efficiently. Having a quick and easy to follow content page enhances the users experience with the company and keeps them engaged with the website for longer.

Breadcrumbs: Whilst it is not directly related to marketing, breadcrumbs are used to help to improve the users experience by helping to make websites simple to navigate. Breadcrumbs are small texts, often located at the stop of the website, and display the users current location within the website. This hierarchy can help users to understand their location within the website structure, making it easier to navigate and assist in finding previous pages.

Contextual Links: These types of links are embedded within websites content and contain links which take users to related pages on the website. This helps to provide additional support, information and resources to users, making it highly efficient to navigate.

Whilst they are useful for customers wanting to develop a greater understanding, they are also useful for SEO, as search engines consider using contextual links to be highly positive. Using these helps to show that the content of the website is highly structured and informative, which can help in increasing websites ranking within the search rankings.

Universal Web Design – Contact Us:

If you need specialist SEO marketing skills that can positively impact your desired target market, then get in contact with us today. Visit our contact us page by clicking here!

Or if you would like to get in direct contact with our team, you can email through at sales@univeral-group.co.uk . Or call us on 01206 588 000.

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