Why Should My Website Be Mobile Optimised?

by | Jun 10, 2016 | Unassigned

To answer in short,

if your website is not mobile optimised, you are losing sales.

Recent research has shown that 57% of mobile users will abandon a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load and 30% will abandon a purchase transaction entirely if the checkout process is not optimised for mobile devices.

The online world is moving from the PC to mobile. If you don’t believe that mobile marketing is the future, then consider that 4 out of 5 consumers use smartphones to shop. A website is vital for any-sized business, but if it is not mobile optimised you are potentially losing a whole segment of customers.

Here are some reasons why you should consider having a mobile optimised website:

Mobile Gets Traffic
Smartphone users are constantly engaging with mobile websites and apps as they commute to work and whilst watching TV. Mobile websites are just as important, if not more so, than desktop versions as one-quarter of global web searches are conducted on a mobile device by over a billion users worldwide. Google warned last year that the future of search is mobile, and if websites are not optimised for mobile use their SEO will suffer for it.

Mobile Users are Different
You are attracting a different kind of consumer through mobile use. Mobile users typically want information in quick, easily digestible bites. According to recent reports, a lot of mobile purchases are often impulse buys. It is vital to optimise your mobile experience to match a visitor’s needs and how they will browse your website. If you are able to make the customer’s path to purchase as simple as possible, you will encourage more mobile sales.

Increased Conversions
Mobile optimise your website to make calls to action (CTAs) clear and easy to click. Contact information should be one of the first things visitors see on a mobile website. If your mobile website is engaging you will see more success online, as 80% of shoppers admit that mobile purchases are impulse-driven and that they are more likely to purchase from and interact with a brand that offers an engaging mobile experience.

Better Brand Engagement
If you are able to offer a satisfying mobile experience, people will like your brand more and will be more likely to return to your website later. Just as, if your mobile website is difficult to navigate, customers are more likely to go to the competition than to visit you on a desktop computer. Your mobile website needs to be easy to use or you could lose the sale opportunity and potentially lose a customer to a competitor.

Does your website need optimising for mobile use? UWD can help you. We are able to assist small to medium businesses find success in the online world by cost-effective means. All of our website designs feature high-quality mobile optimisation, but we are also able to offer mobile optimisation as a singular service.

If this is something that you are interested in and would like further information, just give our team a call on 01206 588000 or email sales@universalwebdesign.co.uk and we will get back to you as quick as we can.

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