An Introduction To WooCommerce for WordPress

by | Dec 23, 2015 | Unassigned

Why Use WooCommerce

WooCommerce is an eCommerce platform designed for the World’s leading content management system; WordPress.

WooCommerce makes selling digital or physical products simple and easy. That’s not all, memberships and services can also be sold through this powerful, yet lightweight selling machine.

WooCommerce is the World’s most favourite selling platform with over 30% of all online stores selling through the WooCommerce system.

With over 11,524,702 downloads, Universal Web Design believes WooCommerce is the ultimate solution for any online store and recommends WooCommerce to all online retailers.

What makes WooCommerce so great is not only it’s integration with WordPress, but also how simple and easy it is to use for businesses. Challenging platforms are a thing of the past.

Furthermore, WooCommerce enables you to sell unlimited products with ease.

Lastly, WooCommerce is open source, much like WordPress, it is very cost effective to develop and tailor to any requirement.

Administration, book-keeping and accountancy can all be reduced significantly by using WooCommerce.

Thank-you for reading our article ‘An introduction to WooCommerce for WordPress. Feel free to call Universal Web Design on 01206 588 000 for a free demonstration of the WooCommerce platform and further information on what it could do for you and your business.

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